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I Miss the Damn Elf on the Shelf

Dec 14, 2024

3 min read




For the first time in seven years Kris Krinkle did not show up at our house, and not one word was said about it. Not one word! How can this be? For seven Decembers I’d wake up at all hours of the night to move the elf, make it do funny things, write letters in tiny script, buy special small items for the elf to hold and interact with, and this December he doesn’t show and no one notices!? I feel incredibly sad about this. And I’m trying to figure out why?

Elf on the Shelf sitting on a shelf
The Elf on the Shelf

Elf on the Shelf

I bought the Elf on the Shelf at a specialty bookstore when my kids were nine and seven. My daughter was filled with excitement. She couldn’t wait to get him home, name him, write his name in his special book and read the story. We had to be careful not to touch the elf, she named Kris, or he would lose his magic. She was filled with wonder. My son was more skeptical, but once Kris started hiding special treats and small toys around the house he seemed to get into the spirit.

Every year Kris would arrive with his tiny suitcase (a jewelry box with a pipe cleaner for a handle) and Christmas chaos would ensue.

Kris in a bathtub filled with mini-marshmallows. Kris playing in the dollhouse. Kris driving a sports car, Kris hanging from the chandelier. Kris painting on a tiny easel.

Elf on the Shelf in a marshmallow bath
Kris Krinkle in his marshmallow bath

Good Riddance

I know what you are thinking. Good riddance. Those things are toxic, they rob us adults of sleep and make the harried Christmas season even busier. The elf is one more thing to worry about on top of the gift buying, meal prep, wrapping and hosting...But I will say, you may change your tune when he is gone. Without the elf, Christmas just doesn’t feel as exciting this year. There isn’t that build up. Kris would signal the passing days of December, always leaving on the 24th just before Santa arrived.

The Skeptics

My kids are teenagers now, their innocence and wonder, now skepticism and sass. I am missing my babies. I am missing that heart thumping joy a parent feels when they see their children’s eyes light up with what can only be described as the magic of Christmas. That belief that anything can happen, and yes, that a stuffed elf will scurry around the house at night to make them laugh in the morning.

A Christmas Tradition

I’m sure my parents felt this way too. There was no elf, but there was always Santa. And there were special gifts under the tree until me and my sisters moved out. I was in my 20s and still excited for Christmas morning. My parents knew, we knew, but they kept the tradition alive, even as they watched our appreciation for this holiday evolve from wonderment to wisdom. I suppose that’s how I should view this elf problem. Evolution, emotional growth. Christmas shouldn't be the awe my children feel, but the ahh. The enjoyment of time spent with family and friends. A good meal on a cold day. That warm feeling of contentment knowing they are surrounded by love.

I know my kids are grateful. I know they love Christmas.

An Elf'in Understanding

So, just like always the damn elf is my problem. I'm nostalgic. And I may have a solution. Kris Krinkle is still sitting in my closet, with his shifty eyes and his suitcase. Ready to come out. I think he will make an appearance again and sit in the tree this year. A new ornament. And while no one else will likely notice him there, I will. A memento to the past, and the magic of Christmas.



Dec 14, 2024

3 min read





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